Touch your forehead and you will find that compared to the rest of your face it feels bony. Blame this hard feel on the fat and the muscle layers in the area which are thinner than on the rest of your face. Unfortunately for you, this means that your forehead is the one area of your face most prone to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
So, it is not surprising to see people in their late twenties or early thirties sporting those ungainly forehead lines. Actually, among the visible signs of skin ageing, forehead lines are the first to make their appearance. Can these lines be dealt with? Yes!
But, like all other age related or degenerative problems, signs of skin ageing, such as the dreaded forehead lines, are best dealt with sooner than later. Yet, few people heed this advice, opting instead to hide their forehead lines with makeup or a new hairstyle.
Now, here is the truth that nobody wants to hear! Hiding those forehead wrinkles is not going to make them go away. In fact, they will just get deeper and more prominent with time and then you will have little chance of erasing them with nonsurgical means. So, the second you see those first few “barely there” fine lines on your forehead, start treating them. This is what you need to know and do.
Facts About Wrinkles
The two images below show 16 facts about wrinkles.
What Exactly Are Forehead Lines/Wrinkles And Frown Lines?
Your forehead is one area of the face that plays an all-important role in expressing your emotions.
So, the skin in this part of the face is constantly being stretched. This eventually leads to the appearance of fine lines. Forehead wrinkles run in all directions; meaning you will find lines that are horizontal, vertical and concave.
They start small but will eventually extend horizontally from one side of the forehead to the other. Also, they grow in number. So, initially you may just see a small line or two in the center of the forehead. But if these are left untreated, rest assured in a few years, you will be battling a forehead full of lines that start right above your eyebrows and go up to your hairline.
So, What Causes Wrinkles On The Forehead?
The same factors that cause wrinkles on the rest of your face are responsible for those fine lines on your forehead as well. Everything from genetics to your lifestyle and your skin care routine play a part in how much and how soon your skin starts to age. Although, you may not be in control of your genetic makeup, there are some variables that you can influence, such as:
Your lifestyle
Yo-yo dieting, stress, smoking, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and excessive alcohol consumption will all age you before time. In fact, the more you abuse and ill-treat your body, the sooner those wrinkles will show up on your face. And, these are factors that impact the health of your skin from the inside. So, unless you commit to living and eating healthily, no amount of skin pampering will help.
External factors
External factors matter just as much when it comes to the appearance of your skin. Spend too much time baking yourself in the sun without protection and your skin is bound to suffer. Similarly, if you are in the habit of running the air-conditioner or the heater on full blast, your skin will start showing signs of distress.
Your skin care routine
Finally, how well you treat your skin will also have an impact on how good it looks with age. Now, this is a tricky factor to control because it is not as simple as picking up the most expensive products available in the market.
The problem is that even if you do find formulations which are right for your skin type, their chemical composition can do more harm than good in the long run.
So, essentially you need something that is right for you and is all natural while being effective. All of this is possible only if you can whip up your own skin care products and customize them to suit the specific skin problems that you have. And, this is where you say hello to Essential Oils!
Can Essential Oils Really Help To Reduce And Remove Forehead Lines?
Packed with phytocompounds, many of which cannot be made in the lab, essential oils give your skin everything it needs to stay young and healthy. Plus, these oils work in multiple ways to heal, protect and rejuvenate the dermal layers. So, yes essential oils can indeed make a huge difference when used against forehead wrinkles.
What are the best essential oils to treat forehead lines?
1. Geranium
One among the anti-ageing triad of essential oils, the pleasant smelling geranium essential oil offers loads of benefits against visible signs of skin damage such as fine lines, wrinkles and loss of tone. A rich source of antioxidants, geranium oil limits the damaging effect of free radicals and effectively deals with the inflammation caused by environmental factors. Moreover, the astringent effect of the aromatic compound offers significant results against skin and neck sagging and open pores, while toning the muscles that support the dermal layers.
2. Frankincense
Without a hint of exaggeration, frankincense oil can be termed as Mother Nature’s very own anti-ageing elixir. An intensely soothing oil, this aromatic compound not only tightens the skin, but also deals with other age linked imperfections. So, it can be used to handle wrinkles, fine lines, open pores as well as hyper pigmentation.
3. Ylang Ylang
An extremely potent natural ingredient, ylang ylang essential oil not only erases visible signs of ageing but also fortifies the dermal layers, which helps to minimize age related skin damage. Ylang ylang essential oil is suitable for all skin types as it clears excess sebum while hydrating the dermal layers. Extracted from the sunshine yellow blooms of the ylang ylang tree, the oil has killer anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which help to calm dermal irritations and keep acne at bay.
4. Basil
You will find this oil in two versions – holy basil and sweet basil. The former is a better option because it is higher up on the antioxidant scale. Basil oil with its balsamic, herbaceous and woody aroma is not only an extraordinary stress buster but also a complexion clearing agent par excellence. If you are battling dullness and sagging skin, basil oil will tone those dermal layers and give your skin a youthful glow, while tackling the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
5. Turmeric
Much has been said about the antioxidant properties of curcumin, a compound found in turmeric. It has been hailed as the panacea that annuls the damaging effects of free radicals and prevents inflammatory auto-immune responses. Together, these properties of turmeric essential oil help to fight off fine lines as well as deep wrinkles.
6. Sandalwood
Extracted from the bark of trees that are at least a few decades old, sandalwood oil is the beauty secret of the East. Indian women have relied on this essential oil and even the powder of sandalwood for centuries to keep their skin looking young and feeling smooth. The oil is at once soothing and astringent in nature. This means that with sandalwood essential oil, you can effectively deal with skin sagging, wrinkles as well as dermal roughness that results from skin damage and dehydration.
7. Rosemary
Do not for a minute underestimate the restorative properties of this humble kitchen herb, for rosemary essential oil can literally take years off of your face. Plus, it acts as a natural preservative in any essential oil preparation. The invigorating and restorative properties of this oil, boost the supply of blood to the skin cells as well as increase cellular turnover. The effect is a total transformation of the skin tone and look. Moreover, rosemary essential oil brings its own antioxidant properties to the mix, which means that it heals and protects from further damage.
8. Helichrysum
Derived from the everlasting flowers of helichrysum, the oil goes by different names including Immortal, which actually points to the skin benefits that you can expect from it. When it comes to skin ageing, there is simply nothing that this oil cannot tackle. From wrinkles and fine lines to hyper pigmentation, dullness, dryness and sensitivity, helichrysum oil is an effective treatment for them all.
Carrier Oils
If you have dry skin, go for rich oils like argan and sweet almond that hydrate and act as occlusive agents, preventing the loss of moisture. For normal skin, sesame seed (cold pressed and unrefined) or virgin olive oil works well.
People with oily skin should pick oils like rosehip seed, grape seed and hempseed. Also include three other oils in this mix – calendula infused oil, castor oil and ashwagandha or Indian ginseng infused oil. You can find the infused oils online, but if you don’t, you can always make some at home using dry calendula flowers and Indian ginseng powder along with virgin coconut oil.
Recommended Products for Forehead Wrinkles
I am sure you know that everyday, a new wonder cream hits department stores promising to make you look young again. Do they work, NO! I recommend to try the read-to-use blend H-Glow from AMOILS. You can click here or the image below to read my review on this project.
Essential Oil Recipes To Get Rid Of Forehead Lines
Recipe 1: Cleansing, exfoliating and toning
- 10 ml extra virgin olive oil / sesame oil
- 2-10 ml castor oil (use 2 ml if you have dry skin, 5 ml for normal skin, 8 ml for oily skin and 10 for very oily, acne prone skin)
- 1 tbsp orange rind powder
- For 10 ml of carrier oil – 6 drops each of lavender and rosemary essential oils
Mix all the ingredients together to form a cleansing lotion and store in a glass bottle or jar in a cool, dark place. To use, take about a teaspoon of the cleansing blend and massage your face with it, using circular and upward strokes. Start at the base of the neck and move up till you cover your entire face.
Do not apply too close to the upper or lower lash lines. Give your skin about 2-3 minutes to melt the debris and sebum. Dip a face cloth in warm water (not hot) and wring it tightly. Use the fabric to wipe the oil and the grime off of your face. Once again work in upward strokes. Hold the face cloth under running hot water to dislodge the oil molecules and dirt. Dip again in warm water, wring and repeat.
For acne prone skin, use a tablespoon of neem leaf powder instead of the orange rind powder or you can simply add a teaspoon of neem seed oil and 4 drops of tea tree essential oil (every 10 ml of carrier) to the blend.
Exfoliation is a must for mature skin as it helps to boost cellular regeneration. You can either make it a part of your cleansing routine or handle it separately after you have cleansed your skin. This goes for both guys and gals. If you are a woman, take off your makeup first with oil cleansing and then go for exfoliation.
If you have combination to oily skin exfoliate every alternate day and twice a week if you have dry or sensitive skin. For the exfoliating mix, use:
1 tsp Italian herb mix (organic) – you can make your own by mixing dried basil, sage, oregano, rosemary and thyme in equal quantities and grinding them in your coffee grinder or food processor. Add some sea salt to the herbs and mix with honey or yoghurt before use. Massage your skin with the exfoliating paste, letting the spices and the salt work their magic on your skin.
Just remember to not rub too hard; the last thing you need is skin scrubbed to the point of inflammation. If you want to couple cleansing and exfoliating, give the salt a skip and simply mix the herbs with the oil and massage your face with it. Wipe off with a damp, warm face cloth.
For toning, and this should be done twice a day, you will need to brew some strong white tea. Take about a cup and wait for it to cool to room temperature. Add 5 drops of basil, 1 drop of clove and 3 drops of peppermint essential oil to the tea. Store in a small glass bottle in the refrigerator. It stays good for about one week, so you will need to make a fresh batch every seven days. Give the bottle a good shake and apply all over your face with some cotton wool.
Recipe 2: Ageless serum
This is best used during the day as the first layer of protection on your skin. To make the serum, you will need:
- 10 ml calendula infused oil
- 10 ml argan/sesame/rosehip seed oil (depending on your skin type; read above for more information on this)
- 4 drops frankincense
- 6 drops geranium
- 3 drops rosemary
Mix the oils and store in an airtight glass bottle. You will only need about two drops for each application. Apply immediately after the toner, while your skin is still damp. Massage well till the oil is almost absorbed. The serum can be applied all over the face, including the area around the eyes. But once again, don’t get too close to the lash lines.
Recipe 3: Wrinkle free moisturizer
- 3 tbsp or 45 grams kokum butter
- 1 tbsp raspberry seed oil
- 1 tbsp hempseed oil
- 4 drops basil
- 6 drops lavender
- 9 drops sandalwood
- 3 drops ylang ylang
- 3 drops rosemary
- 7 drops helichrysum
Melt about 2 heaped tablespoons of kokum butter using a double boiler. Add the hempseed and raspberry seed oil to it while it is still in the melted state. Mix in the essential oils and give the mixture a good whisk. Allow the blend to cool to room temperature and then mix using a hand held blender.
Once you have a homogenous mixture, place it in the refrigerator as is (without transferring it into another container). Let it cool for about 10 minutes, remove and whisk again. Repeat one more time before storing it in a glass jar, away from direct heat and light.
The rich moisturizer should be used after the anti-ageing serum and before your foundation and sunscreen. Massage a small amount of the rich cream into your skin. Wait for about 10 minutes and if you find your skin too oily, dab with damp cotton wool. Instead of soaking the cotton wool in water, use rose or helichrysum hydrosol or you can use some strong green/white tea cooled to room temperature.
Recipe 4: Night-time anti-wrinkle oil
- 10 ml evening primrose oil
- 10 ml extra virgin olive oil
- 10 ml ashwagandha infused oil
- 5 drops each of turmeric, sandalwood and rosemary essential oils
- 2 drops clove
- 6 drops each of geranium and frankincense
- A capsule of vitamin E
- 3 capsules/1 tsp of flaxseed oil
As you did for the other blends, mix the oils together. Cut the capsules and add the vitamin E and the flaxseed oil to the blend. Pour the mixture into an airtight glass bottle. Make sure you use a dark colored bottle. To use, cleanse your skin and apply 2-3 drops all over your face and neck, concentrating on the forehead. Massage the oil in using firm strokes in upward direction. On the forehead, also use sideway strokes to deal with the frown lines in between the eyebrows. Wait for half an hour and wipe off excess from around the eyes with some damp cotton wool just like you did for the moisturizer.
Recipe 5: Wrinkle prevention oil for forehead lines
This is a preventative measure that works well for people in their late twenties and early thirties when those ungainly forehead wrinkles still appear as slight creases and fine lines. Make no mistake, this simple recipe can help you to stave off those first signs of ageing. This is what you will need:
- 10 ml hempseed oil
- 10 ml calendula infused oil
- 10 ml rosehip seed oil
- 7 drops sandalwood
- 10 drops frankincense
- 5 drops each of rosemary and turmeric essential oils
Mix the oils together and store in a dark glass bottle. Use about 2 drops as your massage oil after a facial or as your day and night time moisturizer.
Recipe 6: Blend for deep wrinkles
- 10 ml grape seed oil
- 10 ml ashwagandha infused oil
- 10 ml calendula infused oil
- 1 tsp castor oil
- 1 tsp flaxseed oil (3 capsules)
- 2 vitamin E capsules (cut open the soft gel caps and add its contents to the blend)
- 5 drops each of basil, geranium and frankincense essential oils
- 4 drops each of sandalwood and turmeric essential oils
- 3 drops each of ylang ylang and rosemary essential oils
- 1 tsp any floral wax (optional)
- 2 heaped tsp silk protein or tapioca starch (optional)
Use the floral wax and the tapioca starch only if you want a rich cream instead of a face oil. For the blend, simply mix all the oils together and follow the storage and usage instructions given for the other recipes in this article.
If you want to make a super-hydrating anti-ageing cream, add the floral wax to the carrier oils and heat the mixture using a double boiler till the wax melts. Then, add the essential oils and the powders to the oil and whisk before placing the mixture in the refrigerator. Allow it to cool for a good 15 to 20 minutes till it takes on a distinctly cloudy look.
Remove and whisk again using a hand held blender. Repeat the process three times in all and then store in a small glass jar. To use massage on your forehead and on the rest of your face as you would any moisturizer.
Recipe 7: Recipe for forehead lines for men
- 20 ml ashwagandha infused oil
- 10 ml evening primrose oil
- 10 ml calendula infused oil
- 8 drops of frankincense and geranium essential oils
- 6 drops of helichrysum and turmeric essential oils
- 4 drops of rosemary
- 4 drops tea tree oil
Blend the oils together and store in a glass bottle. To use, take about two drops in the palm of your hands, rub them together and then massage the oil on your forehead.
Face Exercises To Delay And Treat Forehead Wrinkles
Make sure that your skin is well moisturized before exercising the face muscles. This helps to prevent micro tears due to overstretching and helps to tone the underlying musculature while healing the dermal layers faster.
Exercise 1
Place your hand, palm down on your forehead. Your palm should rest flat against your forehead and cover the entire area between your eyebrows and your hairline. Apply firm downward pressure, which should be intense enough to hinder the natural movement of the muscles in the forehead.
With your pam in place, move your eyebrows upwards as you would to create the expression of surprise. You will experience strong resistance created by your palm which is forcing the muscles down. Raise your eyebrows as far up as you can against the pressure and hold the position for 5- 10 seconds. Relax and repeat. Do 5 reps two to three times a day.
Exercise 2
In this second move, you are working on the frown lines in between your eyebrows. This time, use both your palms, holding them flat against your forehead with your fingers stretched straight up. Exert sideways pressure, gently pulling the skin towards your hairline. Now, deliberately try to push your eyebrows together and down till you feel the resistance and hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Relax and repeat.
Other Things That You Can Do To Prevent Forehead Lines
Remember that whatever measures you take to control forehead wrinkles topically will only offer good results if you back them up with a robust healthy living and eating plan. These are really simple tips that can easily be incorporated into your daily life but they can make a profound difference to the health and appearance of your skin. Here is what you need to do:
- Don’t use hot water to wash your face, instead go for warm water
- Eat your five servings of colorful fruits and veggies a day
- Keep your stress levels in check with yoga, tai-chi and walks in nature
- Exercise no less than 3 times a week
- Limit your consumption of both alcohol and caffeine
- Get 7 to 8 hours of shut eye, i.e. sleep
- Drink plenty of water
- Talk to your doctor about supplementation if need be
- Make a conscious effort to stop emoting with eyebrow movements, using your eyes instead to express yourself.
The Final Word
There you go, everything you need to know about how to use essential oils to get rid of forehead wrinkles. For more information and a detailed step-by-step day and night time skincare routine to eliminate wrinkles plus much much more information, you can have access to my 2 ebooks here.
Click Here To Read More About Essential Oils for Dry and Sensitive Skin Ebook
Click Here To Read More About Essential Oils for Oily and Combination Skin Ebook