Spending sleepless nights is no fun. The more you think, the more your body tenses and more unlikely it is that you will not get sufficient rest in the night. Fragrances have a very powerful influence on our mood and emotions. The aromatic molecules in Essential Oils can easily cross the blood / brain barrier and directly affect the parts of the brain that control depression, fear, anxiety and stress. Although serious cases of insomnia can’t be cured by using Essential Oils alone, these Oils will definitely make it easier for you to reduce stress and relax your body and mind. With that said, here are some of the best Essential Oils for insomnia relief and conditions related to it:
Best Essential Oils To Help You Get Rid Of Sleeplessness
Lavender Essential Oil
Being a long time sufferer of sleeplessness, I’ve always been fascinated by Lavender. It has such a calming and attractive aroma that I add it to my bath water, my perfume and even the deodorant I use. Its deeply relaxing fragrance has also been used in popular anti-anxiety drugs like Lorazepam. Lavender Essential Oil is also an effective anti-depressant with pain relieving qualities. It can help lower blood pressure levels and ease the digestive and nervous system.
Geranium Essential Oil
Geranium Essential Oil could be deeply relaxing due to its hormonal balancing attributes. This calming floral Oil can also blend well with lots of other Oils.
Chamomile Essential Oil
Roman Chamomile can help in sleeplessness caused due to chronic stress, muscle aches, headaches and nervous disorders. It can additionally be helpful in soothing irritation in children and colicky infants.
Chamomile can help you calm down your neural system and improve the efficiency of your digestive function, making it especially useful for young kids that suffer from sleeplessness due to indigestion. Use a few drops of this Oil in the bath to chill out before slumbering.
Other Essential Oils that are worth keeping in mind for dealing with conditions like sleeplessness are Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Rose, Jasmine and Melissa.
Best Essential Oils For Relief In Insomnia And Anxiety
Wild Orange Essential Oil
Wild orange is an Essential Oil that has not only helped me with my anxiety but it has also boosted my mood. When diffused, it gives feelings of contentment and well-being. Another fun fact: you can consume this Oil orally! Only therapeutic grade Oils should be consumed orally, I do not recommend oral intake of low quality Essential Oils.
Bergamot Essential Oil
Bergamot is considered effective in relieving stress and tension (and it is particularly good for the skin!). It comes with a citrus like aroma that helps elevate the mood. One study found out that a mixture of Bergamot and Vanilla is quite effective at reducing the extent of insomnia caused due to anxiety. Bergamot can be diffused in the air or applied directly on the skin. Additionally, this Oil can be highly effective in alleviating headaches.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus is a quick remedy for muscular pains and aches. It helps to calm down the brain and initiate an optimistic perspective as well.
Frankincense Essential Oil
Frankincense can be helpful in the treatment of insomnia caused due to anxiety. This oil can calm down your breathing while at the same time relaxing your mind.
Sweet Orange Essential Oil
Sweet orange is useful in cases where the cause of insomnia is nauseous headaches, bad appetite, and stress. This Oil also helps in reducing frustration, moodiness and irritation.
Palmarosa Essential Oil
Palmarosa is calming and uplifting. It can help with stress, exhaustion, poor appetite and anxiety.
Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint enhances your mental awareness and concentration. It helps with bodily fatigue and uplifts the spirit.
Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary is useful in insomnia caused due to muscular pain and anxiety. It can boost your self-confidence and calm your nervous system.
Few Other Essential Oils That Specifically Target Insomnia
When it comes to curing insomnia, there are a variety of Essential Oils available to offer natural relief. For example, Neroli can specifically target sleep disorders like insomnia. Inhaling the fragrance of this Oil helps with calming mental anxiety, which ultimately relaxes the mind and makes it possible for you to sleep peacefully. Neroli Essential Oil can also be used to help people cope with shock.
Another Essential Oil that can help with battling sleep disorders is Melissa. This Oil is most effective when inhaled. Other Essential Oils that are considered highly efficient at combating insomnia are Passion Flower, Valerian, Violet Leaf, Linden Blossom, Mandarin, California Poppy, Amyris and Catnip. Each one of these Oils can get you best results when inhaled following proper procedures of aromatherapy.
If you are still unsure which essential oils to buy, you may try my favorite product Amoils H-Insomnia. Read my review on this product for more information.
Five Essential Oil Sleep Recipes To Help You Eradicate The Cause Behind Your Insomnia:
Essential Oil Recipes for Insomnia – No. 1
Essential Oil blends useful for insomnia caused due to anxiety:
- Geranium 1 drop,
- Palmarosa 2 drops,
- Lavender 2 drops,
- 10 ml carrier Oil.
Mix all the ingredients and use the blend for therapeutic massage or in a diffuser.
Essential Oil Recipes for Insomnia – No. 2
Essential Oils blend for insomnia caused due to aching, stiff or tight muscles
- Rosemary 1 drop,
- Eucalyptus 3 drops,
- Lavender 2 drops,
- 10 ml carrier Oil.
Mix all the ingredients and use the blend for massage.
Essential Oil Recipes for Insomnia – No. 3
Essential Oil blend for insomnia caused due to stress and headache
- Sweet orange 1 drop,
- Lavender 2 drops,
- Geranium 2 drops,
- 10 ml carrier Oil.
Mix all the ingredients and use the blend for massage. This is my favorite restorative massage blend that I use on my forehead, neck and shoulders. If you want, you can also use this blend to massage the scalp.
Essential Oil Recipes for Insomnia – No. 4
Essential Oil blend for insomnia caused due to Nausea
- Sweet orange 2 drops,
- Peppermint 2 drops,
- 10 ml carrier Oil.
Mix all the ingredients and massage the stomach using this blend.
Essential Oil Recipes for Insomnia – No. 5
Insomnia caused due to exhaustion
- Eucalyptus 2 drops,
- Peppermint 2 drops,
- Rosemary 2 drops.
Mix all the ingredients and use this blend in a diffuser.
How To Use Lavender Essential Oil For Insomnia And Get The Best Possible Results?
Lavender is probably the best Oil for stress. It soothes and calms the neural system, relieves muscle stress and keeps you emotionally charged. Lavender is also wonderful for nervousness and panic attacks. Here is how to use Lavender for best possible relief in insomnia:
1. Have a wonderful cup of Lavender Tea
If you often find yourself lying on bed sleeplessly, stand up and get yourself a cup of Lavender tea.
Here Is How To Prepare The Best Lavender Tea Ever:
Add 1 tsp of Lavender Tea in a cup of boiling water and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
Add sugar, honey and milk as per your preferences. Few sips of this tea before bedtime can get you a long lasting and deep sleep.
2. Keep a Lavender Sachet under your pillow
Keep a Lavender sachet under your pillow for a fresh and relaxing scent throughout the night. Lavender smells nice and can help you get back to sleep easily if you accidentally wake up in the midnight.
3. Have a Lavender Bath
- Fill your bathtub with tepid to hot water and add 2-4 drops of Lavender Essential Oil.
- Slip into the bathtub gradually and let the steam spread the Lavender’s calming fragrance. Getting a Lavender soak before going to bed will help you relax and get to sleep easily.
Try to keep minimum light in your bedroom while you are trying to sleep. A darker room will calm your mind and help you sleep for a longer duration.
Some Pros And Cons Of Using Essential Oils For Insomnia:
- While medicinal sleep aids can offer you temporary relief, they are not the healthiest and long-term solution for insomnia. Using Essential Oils can naturally eliminate the root cause of insomnia.
- Unlike medicines, using Essential Oils does not cause any dependency
- Some Essential Oils might aggravate allergies in some individuals and also might not be suitable for those with sensitive skins.
The Bottom Line
Sleep is crucial for your overall health and well-being. There are several vital processes taking place in your body while you are asleep. These processes get back the energy that is lost in the entire day’s activities. Some of the common health conditions that have lack of quality sleep as their root cause include slow reflex, slow adaptability, lack of focus and reduced the ability to concentrate. If you are among those that are suffering from insomnia, then Essential Oils might just be the remedy you were waiting for.
If you want to find out more about Essential Oils for Sleep, please read our article Best Essential Oils For Sleep And Relaxation.
Do not lose any more sleep…you have some very good Essential Oils recipes that you can try immediately and get natural sleep tonight!