Hey look over there, it’s a break dancer… no it’s a B-Boy doing his thing… actually, it’s just Ned the resident nerd with a monster cramp in his foot. I know I should be rushing over to administer first aid, but I feel this is the best time to write an extra long, informative segment …
Essential Oils for Pain
Unlike back pain and hip pain, leg pain seldom gets any attention, simply because it is perceived to be one of those conditions that everybody suffers from at some point. It is true that often leg pain and leg cramps are just a result of over-exertion or under-exertion. But, in many cases leg pain can …
Every year, nearly 1 million people in the country seek medical help for a painful foot condition known as plantar fasciitis. In fact, it is one of the most common feet related ailments, with as many 10-15% of the people in the age group of 40-60 years suffering from it. If you have stabbing foot …
You cannot reach for a juice box or a cold beer at arm’s length. And even when you can reach it, you can’t pick it up without experiencing intense pain in your elbow and forearm. What’s even worse is, you seem to have lost the ability to grip objects. Like a devolving ape losing your …
Prescription painkillers are forcing people into addiction and destroying lives. This is the reality of our world today. But what if there was a safer alternative? You’re probably familiar with the current opioid epidemic. At this point, it is claiming more than 115 American lives every single day. But this isn’t just an American …